Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer ALL Questions
1. Find the derivative of tanh 2
2. Examine the convergence of the series ∑∞ 3 !
3. Convert the rectangular coordinates (0,4,√3) to cylindrical and spherical coordinates 2
4. Find equations of the paraboloid = + in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 3
5. If U= , . Find +
6. The length, width, and height of a rectangular box are measured with an error of at most 5%. Use a total differential to estimate the maximum percentage error that results if these quantities are used to calculate the diagonal of the box. 3
7. Find z,if , z 4x 10y. 2
8. A particle moves on the curves x=2 , y= -4t,z=3t-5 where t is the time .Find the component of acceleration at the time t=1 in the direction ̂-3 ̂+2 . 3
9. Evaluate∫∫ 2
10. Find the Jacobian of the transformations x=uv and y= 3
11. Find curl F⃗ at the point (1,-1,1) where F⃗ =xz3 ̂−2x2yz +2̂yz4 2 →
12. The function ɸ(x,y,z) = xy+yz+xz is a potential for the vector field , find the vector →
field . 3
Answer ANY TWO Questions
13. Find the Maclaurin series for cosx and also find cos 1,calculate the absolute error 5
14. Prove that tanh 1 x 1 ln 1 x,-1< x< 1 5 2 1 x
15. Show the series ∑∞ ( ) converges and∑∞ (−1) diverges 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
16. Find the natural domain of the following functions.
i. (,)= 3 −1
ii. (,)=log (−) 5
2 y
17. Evaluate (x,y)Lt ( 1,2) x2 y 2 . State the properties used in the evaluation.
18. Find the traces of the surface x2 y 2 z 2 0 in the planes x=2 and y=1 and
identify the same. 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
19. Find maximum and minimum values of
f(x, y)=x3+3xy2
-15y2+72x 5
20. Let L(x, y,z) denote the local linear approximation to f (x, y,z) x y
at the point
y z
P(-1,1,1). Compare the error in approximating f by L at Q(-0.99,0.99, 0.01)with
the distance between P and Q . 5
21. z 3xy2z3 ; y 3x2 2 ;z x 1 Find dw and dw
dx dy 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
22. Given a circular helix r(t)=acost ̂+ ̂+ ,a, b>0 ,0 t ,find its arc length and unit
tangent vector. 5
23. The position vector at any time t of a particle moving along a curve is r⃗(t)=t ̂+
Find the scalar and vector tangential and normal component of the acceleration at
time t=1 5
24. Find the parametric equation of the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the
paraboloid = + and the ellipsoid 3 +2 + =9 (1,1,2) 5
Answer ANY THREE Questions
25. Evaluate∫∫(+ ) over the region in the positive quadrant
for which x+ y ≤ 1 5
26. Change the order of integration in∫∫ and hence evaluate the same. 5
27. Find the area bounded by the Parabolas y2=4xand x2=-(y/2). 5
28. Find the volume bounded by the cylinder x2+y2=4 the planes y+ z=3 and z=0
29. Evaluate∫
∞ ( )si (n) by means of the transformation u = x+y, v=y 5
Answer ANY THREE Questions
30. Use Green’s theorem to evaluate ∮( − ) where C is the square with vertices
(0, 0), (π, 0), (π, π) and (0, π) 5
31. Use Stoke's theorem to evaluate the integral ∮⃗. , where ⃗= ̂+ ̂+ ;
C is the triangle in the plane x+y+z = 1 with vertices (1,0,0) ,(0,1,0) and (0,0,1)with a
counter clockwise orientation looking from the first octant towards the origin. 5
32. Use Gauss Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of vector field
F x y z( , , ) x i3y j3 z k3 across the surface of the region enclosed by circular
cylinder x2 y
2 9 and the plane z 0 and z 2 5
33. Use Gauss Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of vector field
F x y z( , , ) x i3y j3 z k3 across the surface of the region enclosed by circular
cylinder x2 y
2 9 and the plane z 0 and z 2 5
34. Find the work done by the force field ⃗(,)=(− )̂+(cos+ ) ̂on a
particle that travels once around the unit circle + =1 in the counter clockwise
direction. 5
Answer ALL Questions
1. Find the derivative of tanh 2
2. Examine the convergence of the series ∑∞ 3 !
3. Convert the rectangular coordinates (0,4,√3) to cylindrical and spherical coordinates 2
4. Find equations of the paraboloid = + in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 3
5. If U= , . Find +
6. The length, width, and height of a rectangular box are measured with an error of at most 5%. Use a total differential to estimate the maximum percentage error that results if these quantities are used to calculate the diagonal of the box. 3
7. Find z,if , z 4x 10y. 2
8. A particle moves on the curves x=2 , y= -4t,z=3t-5 where t is the time .Find the component of acceleration at the time t=1 in the direction ̂-3 ̂+2 . 3
9. Evaluate∫∫ 2
10. Find the Jacobian of the transformations x=uv and y= 3
11. Find curl F⃗ at the point (1,-1,1) where F⃗ =xz3 ̂−2x2yz +2̂yz4 2 →
12. The function ɸ(x,y,z) = xy+yz+xz is a potential for the vector field , find the vector →
field . 3
Answer ANY TWO Questions
13. Find the Maclaurin series for cosx and also find cos 1,calculate the absolute error 5
14. Prove that tanh 1 x 1 ln 1 x,-1< x< 1 5 2 1 x
15. Show the series ∑∞ ( ) converges and∑∞ (−1) diverges 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
16. Find the natural domain of the following functions.
i. (,)= 3 −1
ii. (,)=log (−) 5
2 y
17. Evaluate (x,y)Lt ( 1,2) x2 y 2 . State the properties used in the evaluation.
18. Find the traces of the surface x2 y 2 z 2 0 in the planes x=2 and y=1 and
identify the same. 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
19. Find maximum and minimum values of
f(x, y)=x3+3xy2
-15y2+72x 5
20. Let L(x, y,z) denote the local linear approximation to f (x, y,z) x y
at the point
y z
P(-1,1,1). Compare the error in approximating f by L at Q(-0.99,0.99, 0.01)with
the distance between P and Q . 5
21. z 3xy2z3 ; y 3x2 2 ;z x 1 Find dw and dw
dx dy 5
Answer ANY TWO Questions
22. Given a circular helix r(t)=acost ̂+ ̂+ ,a, b>0 ,0 t ,find its arc length and unit
tangent vector. 5
23. The position vector at any time t of a particle moving along a curve is r⃗(t)=t ̂+
Find the scalar and vector tangential and normal component of the acceleration at
time t=1 5
24. Find the parametric equation of the tangent line to the curve of intersection of the
paraboloid = + and the ellipsoid 3 +2 + =9 (1,1,2) 5
Answer ANY THREE Questions
25. Evaluate∫∫(+ ) over the region in the positive quadrant
for which x+ y ≤ 1 5
26. Change the order of integration in∫∫ and hence evaluate the same. 5
27. Find the area bounded by the Parabolas y2=4xand x2=-(y/2). 5
28. Find the volume bounded by the cylinder x2+y2=4 the planes y+ z=3 and z=0
29. Evaluate∫
∞ ( )si (n) by means of the transformation u = x+y, v=y 5
Answer ANY THREE Questions
30. Use Green’s theorem to evaluate ∮( − ) where C is the square with vertices
(0, 0), (π, 0), (π, π) and (0, π) 5
31. Use Stoke's theorem to evaluate the integral ∮⃗. , where ⃗= ̂+ ̂+ ;
C is the triangle in the plane x+y+z = 1 with vertices (1,0,0) ,(0,1,0) and (0,0,1)with a
counter clockwise orientation looking from the first octant towards the origin. 5
32. Use Gauss Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of vector field
F x y z( , , ) x i3y j3 z k3 across the surface of the region enclosed by circular
cylinder x2 y
2 9 and the plane z 0 and z 2 5
33. Use Gauss Divergence Theorem to find the outward flux of vector field
F x y z( , , ) x i3y j3 z k3 across the surface of the region enclosed by circular
cylinder x2 y
2 9 and the plane z 0 and z 2 5
34. Find the work done by the force field ⃗(,)=(− )̂+(cos+ ) ̂on a
particle that travels once around the unit circle + =1 in the counter clockwise
direction. 5
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