'HS200 Business Economics' : S3 Btech Syllabus,2,'HS210 Life Skills' S3 B.Tech Syllabus,6,**352,4,**452,1,2015 Batch Graduated,3,2015 scheme,9,2015-16,4,2015-16 s1,17,2015-16 s2,7,2016 s2 final qp,11,2016-17,5,2016-17 academic calendar,2,2016-17 s1s2,2,2017 academic calendar,3,2019 2020 Academic Calendar,3,2019 2020 Academic Year,2,2019 Scheme,24,2020,1,341,1,Academic Audit KTU,6,academic calendar,12,academic calendar 2016-2017 July,1,Academic Calendar 2018-2019,6,Academic Calendar 2020-21,2,Academic Calendar for S1&S2 Btech KTU,5,Academic Calendar for S1&S2 Btech KTU,2,academic calendar s2 s4,1,Academic Council Meeting,4,Academic Regulation,2,Academic Year 2019-2020,4,Academic Year 2020-21,1,activity points,4,Advanced Communication Systems,1,Advanced Energy Engineering,1,AE,1,AEIE,1,AICTE,2,AMOS Textbook,1,Analog Integrated Circuits,1,Answer book copy,7,AOE,1,AOE S5,1,APJ Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University,56,APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University News,1,APJ KTU,53,APJAKTU COVID-19 CELL,3,app ktu,2,App.ktu.edu.in,17,Applied Electromagnetic Theory,1,ARCITE,1,Artificial Intelligence,2,Arts and Sports,1,ASAP,3,ASAP Kerala,2,Automobile Engineering,1,B.Arch,3,b.des,1,B.tech,2,B.Tech Examination Postponed,8,B.Tech&M.Tech Examination Postponed,1,Bankers Algorithum,1,Barcode,1,Basic Electrical,1,Basic Electrical Engineering textbooks,3,Basics of Civil Engg(CE-100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Basics of Civil Engineering,1,Basics of EE(EE-100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Basics of Electrical Engg First semester Question Paper Format,1,Basics of Electrical Engineering,5,Basics of Electronics Engg(EC-100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Basics of Electronics Engineering,8,Basics of ME(ME-100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,6,Basics of Mechanical Engineering Study notes,10,BE,1,BE-100 Mechanics,4,BE-102,8,BE-102 Design and Engineering,15,BE-102 Design and Engineering:First module second portion,1,BE-102 Design and Engineering:First module third portion,2,BE-102 Designing and Engineering Module 6 Full Note,1,BE-102 Introduction to Design and Engineering TextBook,1,BE-103 Sustainable Engineering,9,BE-110 Graphics,3,BE100,6,be100 ktu,2,be101-01,1,BE101-01 Civil Engineering,2,BE101-02 Electrical Engineering,1,BE101-02 Introduction to mechanical engineering,4,BE101-03 Electrical Engineering,1,be101-05 note,6,BE101-05 Physics,1,be102,16,BE103 Sustainable,1,be110,10,be110 ktu,5,Bio Informatics,1,Blog Article,29,bme question papers,1,Btech,20,business economics note,7,Buy books,2,BUY S5 BOOKS,2,BUY S5 ME Textbooks,1,BUY S6 BOOKS,2,Buy S6 CSE,1,Buy textbooks s6 civil,2,Calculus(MA101)-First Semester Final Question Paper,3,Calicut University,1,CE S6 Full,2,CE S7 Full Syllabus,1,CE Syllabus,15,CE-100 Basics of Civil Engg,2,CE201 Set1,1,CE201 Set2,1,CE201 Set3,1,CE201 Set4,1,CE201 Set5,1,CE202,1,ce203,3,ce204,1,CE206,1,CE301,1,CE302,1,CE303,2,CE304,2,CE305,1,CE306,2,CE306 Model,1,CE308,1,CE332,2,CE334,1,CE352,5,CE362,1,CE364,2,CE364 Advanced Foundation Engineering,1,CE365,1,CE366,1,CE368,1,CE372,1,CE374,1,CE401,1,CE402,1,CE402 Environmental Engineering II,1,CE403,1,CE404,1,CE404 Civil Engineering Project Management,1,CE405,1,CE407,1,CE409,1,CE474,1,CE474 Municipal Solid Waste Management,1,CE488,1,CE488 Disaster Management,1,Central Sector Scholarship,1,Certified Electrical Design Engineer,1,CH uhammed Koya Scholarship,1,CH352,1,Check KTU Activity Points,1,Chemical Engineering S6 Syllabus,1,Chemical Engineering Workshop,1,CHEMISTRY,3,Civil Engineering,16,civil engineering questions,2,Civil Engineering Workshop,1,Civil Engineering(BE101-01)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Civil S6 Syllabus,1,college list,5,College Rank List,6,College transfer,8,commencement,1,Compiler Design,1,Comprehensive Exam,11,Compressible Fluid Flow,1,Computational Complexity,1,Computational Geometry,1,Computer Communication,1,Computer Networks,1,Computer programming,2,Computer Science,75,Computer Science S4 Syllabus,7,Computer Science Workshop,1,Computer science(BE101-05)-First Semester Final Question Paper,2,Computer System Architecture,1,Conference,1,Construction Technology,1,Control Systems,1,Corona Virus,7,Course Certificate,1,Course Duration,6,course registration,4,Course Repeat,1,Covid 19,12,Credit System,7,Cryptography and Network Security,1,cs201,4,CS202,10,CS202 MODEL QP SOLVED,1,cs202 textbook pdf,1,CS203,1,CS204,11,CS204 Model,4,cs205,3,cs205 notes,3,CS206,7,CS206 Java Mod1,1,CS206 Java Mod2,1,CS206 Java Mod3,1,CS206 Java Mod4,1,CS206 Java Mod5,1,CS206 Java Mod6,1,cs206 textbook,1,cs207,8,CS208,2,CS208 Modules,7,CS301 M1,1,CS301 M3,1,CS301 M4,1,CS301 M5,1,CS301 M6,1,CS301 Note,5,CS302,7,CS302 Syllabus,1,CS303 M1,1,CS303 M2,1,CS303 M4,1,CS303 M5,1,CS303 Note,4,CS304,1,CS304 Compiler Design,6,CS304 Note,6,CS304 Syllabus,1,CS305,8,CS305 Note,8,CS306,7,CS306 Note,6,CS306 Syllabus,7,CS307,7,CS307 M1,1,CS307 M2,1,CS307 M3,1,CS307 M4,1,CS307 M5,1,CS307 M6,1,CS307 Note,7,CS308,7,CS308 Notes,6,CS308 Software Engineering and Project Management Syllabus,7,CS309,8,CS331,5,CS331 SS,5,CS332 Lab Syllabus,1,CS334,1,CS334 Network Programming Lab,1,CS352,8,CS352 Comprehensive Exam,7,CS352 Model Questions,3,CS361 M2,1,CS361 M3,1,CS361 M4,1,CS361 M5,1,CS361 M6,1,CS361 Note,6,CS362,1,CS362 Computer Vision Syllabus,1,CS364,6,CS364 Notes,5,CS366,1,CS368,2,CS368 Note,1,CS372,1,CS401,1,CS401 Computer Graphics,1,CS402,1,CS402 Data Mining and Ware Housing,1,CS403,1,CS404,1,CS404 Embedded Systems,1,CS405,1,CS407,1,CS409,1,CS461,1,CS462,1,CS462 Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications,1,CS463,1,CS464,1,CS465,1,CS467,1,CS468,1,CS468 Cloud Computing,1,CS469,1,CS472,1,CS472 Principles of Information Security,1,CSE,32,CSE CS206 S4 Note,6,CSE S4 Note,25,CSE S4 QP,1,CSE Sixth Semester,1,CSE Syllabus,4,CST203,1,CST203 LOGIC SYSTEM DESIGN,1,Curriculum for S3-S8,6,cy100,4,CY100-Chemistry,4,Data Communication,6,data structures,6,Data structures note,3,Date Extended,7,date of results,3,DBMS,1,dcs,3,DCS Model Question paper,3,dcs note,2,December 2020 Exams,1,Degree Certificate,6,Design and Analysis of Algorithms,1,Design and Engineering,17,design and engineering model question paper,1,Design and Engineering note,3,Design and Engineering Notes pdf,7,Design of Machine Elements I,1,Design of Steel Structures,1,Design Project,2,Differential Equations,3,Differential Equations KTU Second Semester Final Question,1,differential equations syllabus,2,Differential Equations TextBook-MA102,3,Digital Image Processing,1,Digital Learning Environment,1,Digital Signal Processing,1,Digital Signal Processing EC301,1,Dining,1,Discrete Computational Structures,1,Distributed Computing,1,Distributed generation and smart grids,1,Donate for Kerala,1,Donation,1,download ktu text,5,download ktu text book,47,Download sustainable engineering text books,11,downloads,25,ds module2 note,1,ds module3 note,1,ds module4 note,1,DS Note,3,dsa,3,dsa module1,1,dsa module5,1,dsa module6,1,dsa note,3,duty leave,1,ec-100,1,EC-100 Basics of ECE,1,EC-100 BASICS OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING TextBook,1,EC-100 ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING TexBook,2,ec100,2,EC201,2,EC202,1,EC202 S4 Model Qp,1,EC202 Textbook,2,EC203 Solid State Devices,1,EC204,1,EC204 S4 Model Qp,2,EC205,1,EC205 Electronic Circuits,1,EC206,1,EC206 Computer Organization,1,EC206 S4 Model Qp,2,EC207,1,EC207 Logic Circuit Design,1,EC208,1,EC208 Analog Communication Engineering,1,EC208 S4 Model Qp,2,EC301,1,EC302,1,EC302 Digital Communication,1,EC303,1,EC304,1,EC304 VLSI,1,EC305,1,EC305 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers,1,EC306,1,EC306 Antenna and Wave Propagation,1,EC307,1,EC307 Power Electronics & Instrumentation,1,EC308,1,EC308 Embedded System,1,EC312,1,EC312 Object Oriented Programming,1,EC352,1,EC361,1,EC361 Digital System Design,1,EC363,1,EC363 Optimization Techniques,1,EC365,1,EC365 Biomedical Engineering,1,EC366,1,EC366 Real Time Operating Systems,1,EC368,1,EC368 Notes,1,EC368 Robotics,1,EC370,1,EC370 Digital Image Processing,1,EC401,1,EC402,1,EC402 Nano Electronics,1,EC403,1,EC404,1,EC405,1,EC407,1,EC409,1,EC462,1,EC464,1,EC468,1,ECE,21,ECE Model Question,10,ECE S4,9,ECE S4 EC202,2,ECE S4 Previous QP,1,ECE S4 Textbooks,1,ECT201,1,ECT201 SOLID STATE DEVICES,1,ECT203,1,ECT203 LOGIC CIRCUIT DESIGN,1,edc,7,EDC Module1,1,EDC Module2,1,EDC Module3,1,EDC Module4,1,EDC Module5,1,EDC Module6,1,EDC Note,6,Educational News,27,EE-100 Basics of EE,1,EE100 Basics of Electrical Engineering Puestion Paper,2,EE100 Basics of Electrical Engineering Puestion Paper Format,1,ee100 basics of electrical questions,3,ee100 ktu,3,EE201,1,EE202 Model Questions,1,EE202 Textbook,1,EE204 Model Questions,1,EE352,1,EE372,1,EE372 Biomedical Instrumentation,1,EE401,1,EE402,1,EE403,1,EE404,1,EE405,1,EE407,1,EE409,1,EE431 Power System Lab,1,EE472 Internet of Things and EE405 Electrical System Design,1,EE474,1,EEE,22,EEE Courses,1,EEE Model Question Paper,7,EEE S4 QP,1,EEE S4 Syllabus,2,EEE S4 Textbooks,1,EEE S6,1,EEE S6 Syllabus,1,EEE SIM EE202,1,Elective CSE S5,6,ELECTRICAL,3,Electrical & Electronics Engineering,1,Electrical Engineering Workshop,1,Electrical Engineering(BE101-03)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Electrical Machine Design,1,Electrical System Design,1,Electronic Communication,1,Electronic Devices and Circuits,6,Electronics engineering workshop,1,Electronics Engineering(BE101-04)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Energy Management and Auditing,1,Engineering,12,Engineering Chemistry,1,Engineering Chemistry Lab,1,Engineering chemistry(CY100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Engineering Graphics,8,Engineering Graphics(BE-110)-First Semester Final Question Paper,2,Engineering Jobs,11,Engineering Mechanics(BE-100)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Engineering Mechanics(BE-100)-second Semester model Question Paper,2,engineering physics,7,Engineering Physics Lab,2,Engineering textbooks,21,entrance exam,1,Entrepreneurship,1,Environmental Engineering I,1,EST130,1,Even Semester,6,Even Semester 2019,2,Events,1,Exam Center,4,exam centre,2,Exam December 2018/January 2019,28,Exam eligibility,4,exam postponed,12,Exam Postponed fake news,2,exam result mistakes,1,exam2018,2,Examinations,2,FAQ,1,FCFS,1,FE Grade,6,Feedback,1,Final Year,3,First Bell App,1,fluid mechanics,8,free books,1,Frequently Asked Questions,1,Freshers Jobs,5,FS482,1,FS482 Responsible Engineering,1,Full S6 ECE,9,gate,7,gate 2016,1,gate 2017,1,gate 2018,1,gate 2019,3,GATE 2019 RESULT,1,GATE 2024,5,gate exam,6,GATE Exam 2021,1,gate exam answer key,2,gate previous,2,GATE RESULT,1,GATE RESULT PUBLISHED,1,gate syllabus,3,GATE-Exam,11,General Aptitude Online Test,2,government collages,4,government orders,1,Grace Mark,5,Grade Card,2,Graph Theory Notes,6,Guidelines to Chief Superintendent,1,Guidelines to Invigilators S1 BTech Examination-,1,Guidelines to Students S1 BTech Examination-,1,Handbook for Be.Tech APJ Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University,1,Help,1,High Performance Computing,1,higher education,3,Higher Education Department,1,Higher Education Minister,1,how to get,1,hs200,9,hs200 answer,6,hs200 module2,1,hs200 module3,1,hs200 module4,1,hs200 module5,1,hs200 module6,1,HS200 Previous QP,1,HS200 Solved Model Question Paper,1,HS200 Solved QP,1,hs210,5,HS210 Life Skills Previous Question Paper,1,hs210 note,4,hs210 Previous QP,1,hs210notes,4,HS300,9,HS300 Module1,2,HS300 Module2,1,HS300 Module3,1,HS300 Module4,1,HS300 Module5,1,HS300 Module6,2,HS300 PPT,2,HS300 Questions,1,HS300 Syllabus,3,IC Engines,4,ICE Syllabus,1,icp,5,iedc summit,1,IEEE Papers,1,IIT Palakkad,1,img,453,important questions,6,Industrial Instrumentation & Automation,1,Information Technology,4,Information Theory & Coding,1,Instructions and Guidelines,2,inter university transfer,3,Internal mark,2,International Study,8,Interview,2,Introduction to chemical engineering,2,INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL ENGINEERING,1,Introduction to Computing and Problem Solving,9,Introduction to Design and Engineering TextBook,1,Introduction to Electrical Engineering Syllabus,1,Introduction to electronics Engineering,2,Introduction to mechanical Engineering Syllabus,2,Introduction to Sustainable Engineering Syllabus,4,Introduction to Sustainable Engineering(BE103)-First Semester Final Question Paper,1,Invigilators & Chief Superintendent,1,IT,3,IT S4 Syllabus,2,IT S5 Syllabus,1,IT S6 Syllabus,1,January 2016 Question Paper Basics of CE(CE-100),1,January 2016 Question Paper Basics of EC(EC-100),1,January 2016 Question Paper Basics of EE(EE-100),1,January 2016 Question Paper Basics of ME(ME-100),1,January 2016 Question Paper Calculus(MA101),1,January 2016 Question Paper CE(BE101-01),1,January 2016 Question Paper Chemistry(CY100),1,January 2016 Question Paper CS(BE101-05),1,January 2016 Question Paper EC(BE101-04),1,January 2016 Question Paper Graphics(BE-110),1,January 2016 Question Paper ME(BE101-02),1,January 2016 Question Paper Mechanics(BE-100),1,January 2016 Question Paper Physics(PH100),1,January 2016 Question Paper SE(BE103),2,January 2021 Exams,1,Job,35,KEAM,3,KEAM 2023,1,Kerala Flood,6,Kerala Flood News,2,Kerala Government Order,1,Kerala Public Service Commission,2,Kerala Result 2023,1,Kerala Startup Mission,1,Kerala Technological University,40,kerala technological university exam,1,KETCON 2018,1,KPSC,6,KPSC Previous Qurstion Paper,2,KPSC Result,1,kpsc-online-exam,4,KSUM,1,Ktu,43,KTU S6 Chemical,1,KTU 2015-19,2,KTU 2016-20,3,KTU 2017-18,2,
ReplyDeleteworst timetable........!!!!
Worst time table
Not satisfied with the same
Prajith aliyaa
Numma und koode
Pwolikk muthey
Respected vc please change the timetable. We don't have sufficient time to study and prepare for the exam in such a small gap.So you please change the revised new timetable as per our requests.Please sir..please...
DeleteWorst worst time table ,very bad key
ReplyDeleteIts too much
ReplyDeleteIts too much
ReplyDeleteThis time table vary bad and badely affected to students................. vary wrong....... please give some time allow me
ReplyDeletefuckng time tabel ktu vc..fucked us
ReplyDeletecheer :-d ;-( @-(
ReplyDeleteget us atleast 2 days in b/w the exams for studying
ReplyDeleteIts hard may this end in vain
ReplyDeletesir we have plans on christmas like carol,fest e.t.c....with your currentlybreleased time tABLE AM NOT AT ALL SATISIED.AND YOU ARE LAYING WITH OUR FUTURE
ReplyDeleterespected sir,
ReplyDeletestudents are not satisfied in the latest timetable published so the students are kindly requested to postpond the exam for january
Dear board members,
ReplyDeleteDont be so stupid ,how can students score marks or even pass with this type of timetable.It is your responsiblity that you people provide adequete gaps between exams.We are living in a democratic country were people respect each others opinion.So I believe that the respected board members will support our students opposition.
This is hard to bear as this newly revised schedule is hopeless. I hope the KTU makes sure that it takes the publics opinion before it organises a time table. It's the X'Mas holidays they are messing with. How do the university expect us to perform in this examination with such short gaps between exams. This is utter disgrace and I humbly request the VC to favour our objections.
ReplyDeleteplease do rethink about this timetable
ReplyDeletesir please change the exam time table
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletesir plzz change the time table. atleast two days between exams....
ReplyDeleteit is vry disgusting .plzz change the time table.
ReplyDeleteYaa its very baddd..... Shame
on you ktu...
U know what this is called torturwing
ReplyDeleteU know what this is called torturwing
ReplyDeleteWhy every time exams are postponed and rescheduled without any benefit for any one. just waist of time and money. The university ought to have stick on to the earlier timetable. Last minute change will not do any good to the university or students.
ReplyDeletePlease change the time table
ReplyDeleteSir please change the timetable.It was previously informed that exams are most likely to be on january .But now just before one week u r preponing exams without any prior informations.This is really hard for us
ReplyDeletechange the timetable
ReplyDeletepizz change the timetable
ReplyDeleteguyz over KTU don't read newspapper
ReplyDeletenews papper announnced exam date is on jannuary...
what is happening?
please forward above comments to vc
ReplyDeleteRESPECTED VC' Plzz Change that Stupid Time table. We, the students of KTU are not at all satisfied with the new timetable published on 6th december 2016.
ReplyDeleteThere aren't sufficient study leave for tougher subjects and we are being mentally tortured by first informing us that the examination will be after christmas and then suddenly changing the plan.
We hereby request you to find some solution regarding
very bad time table
ReplyDeletepls change it....
pls arrange the time table.
ReplyDeletepls rearrange the time table.
ReplyDeleteChange this timetable👊
ReplyDeleteChange this timetable👊
ReplyDeleteNo it's not good.please make the exam after x mas for accepting ktu as good university
ReplyDeletePlease. Don't do this.
ReplyDeleteHectic schedule. You've made our lives frustrated.
Please this is really really ridiculous. How are v gonna study with this tight schedule. The time table is Realy horrible.in the previous time table there were four study leaves before the second last exam so v planned to study in that manner now all our plans are upside down.plzz plz change the time table
ReplyDeletePlease this is really really ridiculous. How are v gonna study with this tight schedule. The time table is Realy horrible.in the previous time table there were four study leaves before the second last exam so v planned to study in that manner now all our plans are upside down.plzz plz change the time table
ReplyDeletevayyayenkil nirthiyittu vere valla panikkum podey...ktu..!!!!! ne okke enthuva karuthiye...5,6 dvasam kond padichu marikkan njngl onnum athreyk brilliant piller onnumalla....anganullavar kaanum....ellarum anganalla....ninteyokke jeevitham safe aakkiyittalle njnglde jeevithathil undakkan varunne....university standards ennokke paranjal athu aadhym manasilakkanam...6 masam padichal theerathe topics 4 maasam polum tharathe padippich athum poranju sem neendupokumennum paranju exam maatiyekkunnu...enthuvadey...ariyanmelathondu choddhikkuva...njangal aarum paavakal onnumalla...year back maattano onnum paranjillallo...standard varanel athokke venam sammadhichu...padikkan ulla aaagraham kond chodhikkuva...ponnu sirrumaare...onnunkil padikkan gap tha...allel...januarylottu postponed cheyy....northindiansintem southindianstem karyam onnum njanchodhikkunilla...ente abhiprayama parayunne...ente koottu athreyk brilliant allathe...padikkan hardwork cheyyunna orupadu perund....kashttapaadum dhurithavum ulla chuttupaadil thanneya njangl jeevikkune...ktu padichu pass aakum ennurappullonda rulesm regulationsm okke kandittum ithilottu thanne vanathum...tamil nattil onnum pokanjathum...ne okke kaaranam ethra pera ethra studentsa e oru varsham marichenu ariyo....ethra pera suicide cheythenu ariyuvo...abdul kalam sirnte peril thudangiyappo orupadu pratheekshakal undaarnu e universityepatti...neeyokke koodi athum kalayumallo...nanniyund orupaadu.
ReplyDeletesir pls avoid exams..and let us pass freely with out exams
ReplyDeletewhole exams within a single day will be a good decision
ReplyDeleteby heart students will suffer alot and good understanding students like me can easily afford it..i am so intelligent that you cant never make me fail and in return you will fail
ReplyDeleteirritating time table
ReplyDeletewhat will the students who are not here do know????
ReplyDeleteSir pls change the time table.atleast give 2 days b/w the exam..its very difficult to study all the portions with this limited time. So pls consider our request...
ReplyDeleteIs this our official timetable put by KTU haaaa....
ReplyDeleteLook at the date after 17 it is put as 19 so there is exam on Sunday super. Worst so look at the seriousness of KTU to our exams
Is there gonna be any change in the present timetable during the last minute????????????????????????????????????????????
ReplyDeletewhat is A,B,C,D,E,F
ReplyDeletePlz rearrange the time table!
ReplyDeleteWorst time table
ReplyDeletePlss change it....
please watch Volger describing plight of ktu students
ReplyDeleteToo much
ReplyDeleteDoo vc *****mone iyalu entaranu avidurunnu kanikunne.. U**- timetable.. . Onnu mattado punnara mone
ReplyDeleteIf you cancel the first semester examination?(13/12/2016)??????????????????????
ReplyDeleteToday's exam will be postponed or those who have not wrote the exam will have to write the supplementary examination????????
ReplyDeleteGive me to answer.If you cancel today's examination???????????????????
ReplyDeleteവളരെ കൊട്ടിഘോഷിച്ചു നടപ്പിലാക്കിയ KTU എന്ന കേരള സാങ്കേതിക സർവകലാശാലയുടെ ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ അവസ്ഥയ്ക്ക് ആരാണ് കാരണക്കാർ ? തുഗ്ലക്കിനെപ്പോലും തോൽപ്പിക്കുന്ന രീതിയിൽ , പ്രായോഗികമല്ലാത്ത ഒരു പരീക്ഷാ ടൈം ടേബിൾ പ്രക്യാപിക്കുകയും പരീക്ഷയുടെ തലേന്ന് പിൻവലിക്കുകയും... പുതിയ പരീക്ഷാ തീയതിയെപ്പറ്റി pro vc യും VC യും പര്സപരവിരുദ്ധമായ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങൾ പറഞ്ഞു വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളെ കൺഫ്യൂഷനിലാക്കിയതിന് ശേഷം.. ഒരു സുപ്രഭാതത്തിൽ ഉടനെ തന്നെ പരീക്ഷയുണ്ട് എന്ന രീതിയിൽ ഒട്ടുംപ്രായോഗികമല്ലാത്ത , വിദ്യാർത്ഥികളെ മനഃപൂർവം ബുദ്ധിമുട്ടിക്കുവാനായുള്ള ഒരു ടൈം ടേബിൾ വരുന്നു... പരീക്ഷാ നടത്തിപ്പ് സ്വകാര്യ ഏജൻസിയെ ഏൽപ്പിച്ചു... ചോദ്യക്കടലാസ്ഉണ്ടാക്കുവാൻ IISc പോലെയുള്ള ഉന്നത ഗവേഷണ സ്ഥാപനങ്ങളെ ഏൽപ്പിക്കുന്നു... വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് കടുകട്ടിയായ ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ അഭിമുഖീകരിക്കേണ്ടി വരുന്നു... സപ്പ്ളികളുടെ എണ്ണം എണ്ണം കൂടുന്നു.... എങ്ങിനെ കൂടാതിരിക്കും ? പൊട്ടന്മാരായ അധ്യാപകർ പഠിപ്പിക്കുകയും , ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞന്മാർ ച്യോദ്യപേപ്പർ ഉണ്ടാക്കുകയും ചെയ്താൽ ? .... പിടിവാശിക്കാരനും സ്ഥിരബുദ്ധിയില്ലാത്തവനുമായ ഒരു VC യും.. മരമണ്ടനായ ഒരു pro VC യും തന്നെയാണ് ഇതിനു കാരണക്കാർ..
ReplyDeleteഇനി ഈശ്വരൻ വിചാരിച്ചാലും KTU വിനെ നന്നാക്കാനാകില്ല.... അത്ര മാത്രം കെട്ടു പോയി ഈ K T U....